5.1 Farming and Farming System.


Do you still remember the three types of industry? 1. Primary Industry, 2. Secondary Industry, and 3. Tertiary Industry

How about.... Primary Industry? Do you still remember the meaning of Primary Industry?

hints hints! "collecting.... raw materials... from..."

YES students. Primary Industry means extracting raw materials from land, sea or air.  

What is one example of Primary Industry? FARMING!

What do you understand by "farming"?
What is needed to start on farming?
What are the processes involved?
What are the output of farming?

To be able to answer all the questions above, you need to learn first. 

Please, do learn from the slides below.  =)

Done with the lecture dear students?

Do you think you understand everything?

Now, lets try this quiz! See if you can answer the quiz correctly! 

click HERE for the quiz. 

Well done students! 

Do you need the notes for yourself? You can download the notes from HERE

WAIT! Don't close the tab yet! 
There are some questions I want you to answer. Please put your answers in the comment below. Don't forget to give your names!

1. What is "Farming"?
2. What are the inputs needed?
3. What are the processes involved?
4. What are the outputs of farming?

Good Luck!


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